Rugby League in the 1980s

The power and the passion


The 1980s saw rugby league transform from brutal battlefield to entertainment spectacle. It changed almost beyond recognition.
Rugby League in the 1980s was a time of unforgettable moments, major controversies and big personalities. Major on-field rules changes clamped down on violence and unleashed the spectacle. Meantime, progressive officials, in tune with social changes, re-shaped the game off-field too creating a series of pop culture moments.
Rugby League in the 1980s: the Power and the Passion captures the characters that made the 1980s so great as well the great games, the premiership deciders and internationals. An absolute must for any rugby league fan of the era.

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ISBN: 9780645207125
Published: JUL/24 (AU/NZ)
Packaging Type: Paperback
Pages: 320

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